
Frightening Content Creation Can Be Made Super Easy


Nowadays everyone has an interest or a need to create content on the internet for purposes of launching new businesses and/or marketing strategies. Creating and developing interesting and informative content for blogs or websites will aid in maximizing your web traffic and is critical to its visibility and success The presence of good content will most assuredly attract readers who, more often than not, turn around and share the content with others. It’s reassuring to know that people don’t need to be 5 star scribes to create content but merely follow a few simple steps to successful content creation made easy.  Content creation Made Easy

1. Always write about topics your targeted audience and readers want. Focus on their varied interests, problems, or advice they may need. You can accomplish this task by directly asking your readers what they would like to see discussed on your site, visit multiple online forums to learn what the trending topics are at the time, or better yet simply use the newest innovative online research tool, Google Drive Docs. Google Drive affords the user access to all its available content on specific topics searched and also provides instruction on how to properly cite, link, and insert various images and graphics. Everything you need for creating content all in one place.  

2. Keep an active list of blog ideas handy at all times. When creating this list there is no need to be choosy about topics, simply jot down anything that comes to mind using a notepad or even your cell phone. One of the most useful programs available today for purposes of organizing your overall life, let alone organizing your run on thoughts and ideas for posts, is https://evernote.com/skitch/ . This absolutely brilliant program is perfect for writing all your notes and organizing them into separate folders or notebooks. It allows you to collect all your ideas in one place until such times that you are able to manifest them at which time you can simplify all those ideas though the use of annotations, sketches, and various shapes for a much faster presentation of your ideas. 

3. Create attention getting headlines that contain the right balance of common, positive and power words coupled with emotions. Studies have proven that headlines created with this formula of words make for easier reading while commanding and controlling the attention of your audience. A magnificent tool for creating these ideal headlines is http://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer . This state of the art product assists you in creating headlines that ultimately lead to sharing of posts on social media sites, more traffic to your site, and an increase in overall SEO value.  I used this tool to create the title for this blog post, did it make a difference?

4. Deliver your creative content to multiple social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and You Tube. This social media strategy of sharing content can be performed through the use of the ever-popular Bufferapp. This resourceful software application was developed and designed to assist in the management of social networking by allowing the user to post content and blogs to multiple social media sites from a single dashboard by simply scheduling the posts in advance. A great time saving app that no single writer should be without out.  You went to all the work of creating the content, make sure as many people as possible see your work!

5. Use a calendar. There really is nothing worse than sitting down and looking at that blank screen or piece of paper.  When you sit down and create a marketing calendar the ideas for your posts are already there in black and white.  Those ideas are embeded in your brain. 🙂  As you are searching the web, talking to clients and customers, walking the dog or simply doing something else, ideas will come to you.  Use Evernote to “dump” the idea or link and you can simply forget it until it’s time to write the content!

Writing content need not be difficult and certainly if you give appropriate time and attention to the above simple steps, you are sure to create the best interactive content for your website that will ultimately bring viewers to you site and increase traffic, visibility, and overall credibility. 

I have created a new product called Content Creation Like A Pro, it is still available at the super low introductory price


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