
A Very Helpful Resource for Bloggers and Marketers


When you first start a proper blog it all seems simple. The deeper you go, however, the more complicated it becomes.

Bloggers have to know about design, content creation, SEO, servers, security and so much more. Sometimes it can all feel pretty overwhelming.

Today’s post is an enormous list of actionable tips that you can bookmark (just hit Control and D) and refer back to when you’re having one of those days where you’re just not sure what to do next.

I’ve tried to break them up into rough categories but there will be some overlap so make sure you have a read of the sections that you think might not interest you.

Let’s go!

Read more: 101+ Actionable Blogging Tips, Tools and Shortcuts via Blog Tyrant

How to Use Transitional Phrases to Keep Your Readers Sliding Down the Page

Some writers seem to have a magic touch…

One minute you’re reading their opening, and before you know it, you’ve reached the end of their article.

Their content reads so smoothly, it’s almost impossible to stop.

So how do they do it?

Well, great writers are meticulous about making each line flow seamlessly into the next. They understand how important it is for the reader to have a smooth reading experience, and they make sure to fix anything that would cause friction.

And one powerful way they do so is by using transitional phrases.

So today you’ll learn how to use them yourself. But first, let’s examine why they’re so important.

Read more: How to Use Transitional Phrases to Keep Your Readers Sliding Down the Page via Smart Blogger



Do you have a Facebook group for your business?

I’m not talking about your Facebook PAGE, although that’s super important too!

I’m talking about Facebook groups, which are now being used by 1 BILLION people each month.

Facebook groups are a fantastic way to provide value to your audience, while growing your traffic, email list and sales.

They provide a more personal, interactive environment where you can:

– Give advice on common problems or issues related to your industry
– Become a trusted expert in your field
– Connect your customers or clients with one another
– Promote your stuff: blog posts, products, services – you name it!

But while Facebook groups can be amazing brand-building tools, getting people to actually JOIN them can be a challenge.

This post will outline 10 quick and easy ways you can start growing your Facebook group today!

Read more: 10 Quick and Easy Ways to Get More People In Your Facebook Group via Kim Garst




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