
LinkedIn Recommendations Without Asking? (Yes! It’s Possible, Really)


Do you have an active LinkedIn profile? If you do I am sure you have had people message you and ask for a recommendation. The frustrating piece is that people you don’t even know are asking you for recommendations. Or sometimes people you have only met once at a local networking event. How willing are you to give them a recommendation? Never, Right?

5-recommendations-for-assembling-a-successful-team-of-freelancers-05535768eaSo how on earth can you get recommendations from people without asking when so many people you don’t even know are asking for them.

One way is to use the function LinkedIn has built into the platform…

Another, and my preferred way is to provide recommendations for people you know like and trust that have not been requested. Don’t expect they will necessarily return the favor, but it will come from somewhere.LinkedIn-Search-For-People-Get-Connected-And-Get-Organized

The old saying you need to give in order to get works really well here. How would you feel if, out of the blue you received a recommendation on LinkedIn? You’d love it, Right? Who do you want to give that feeling to? I am sure you have customers, service providers, trainers or perhaps a coach you could recommend. Who is your favorite author? Find them on LinkedIn and give them a recommendation.

What are your favorite books in your niche? Give a recommendation once in a while to someone in your niche, it’s a great way to stand out from the crowd. It give the impression of increase and increases the opportunity for others in your niche to connect with you.

Check out the our new November webinar. “Let’s Pimp Out Your LinkedIn Profile” just click the Link below:

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!

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