
Social Media Marketing – 5 Benefits for You to Get Started on Pinterest (OR NOT)


Pinterest has certainly caught my attention, how about you?

I hear many people say that’s there just isn’t enough time in the day to build a consistent presence on all of these platforms. I couldn’t agree more, that’s why you need to understand the benefits of Pinterest so that you can make that informed decision about where to invest your time on a daily and/or weekly basis.


1) It is a very simple platform for building relationships and learning how to influence people. We humans think in pictures, I believe this is one of the reasons Pinterest is doing as well as they are. Sharing pictures around what you like allows people to get to know you and build the know, like and trust factor.

2) You can increase your reach by strategically following the movers and shakers in your niche. Find them, get to know them and create pins that will attract their attention. You can study their boards to find out what they “like”!

3) It is easy to brand on Pinterest for bigger exposure. Take a look at what some of the big companies are doing, you can adapt their techniques to your own Pinterest boards. Check out the Starbucks example http://pinterest.com/starbucks/ What are people liking? What are they repinning? Take the time to look, study what’s working for them. Search for a big company in your niche that is active on Pinterest and pattern your Pinterest boards after theirs. You don’t want to copy exactly what they are doing, find the patterns and repeat.

4) Connecting other social media profiles with Pinterest. They have made it super simple, you can sign in with either Facebook or Twitter. You can post to either of the platforms with a simple click of a button. I love to share all my “pins” on Twitter.

download5) You can encourage liking and commenting on your pins and boards! Find out what people’s interests are, then you can easily have people active on your boards. Attach notes to your pins, insert a call to action in your comments, test what works well with your audience. I love my dogs and on a very regular basis pin stories from the Animal Rescue Site. They are heart warming pet rescue stories and they are often re-pinned and commented upon and it is something that is near and dear to my heart.

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