
Top 3 Creative Ways to Find Clients Using Social Media


Social media is one of the best tools out there for finding new clients and for maintaining existing clients. Here are three of the top creative ways to find new clients and maintain your existing clients through the use of social media platforms.

Find Clients Using Social Media1. Familiarize yourself with your clients – How true it is that birds of a feather, flock together and certainly online merchants and customers are no different. Similar merchants will gather together in online communities where informative content on how to sell more products and services is generally accessible. Your presence in these communities will afford you all the opportunities to listen to the advice of others, learn and gather new creative business ideas, and ultimately allow you to take necessary actions with regard to enhancing your own online presence. However, despite these attractive benefits, the best approach to online communities is commitment to serving the communities and their members with a primary focus of enhancing their presence and helping them directly.

It is important to recognize that in building your unique business strategy, you must first be focused on learning about who your customers are. Determining who your target audience is, (i.e. are they online merchants only or do they also have an offline store, are your products or services more relevant to one industry sector or one geography over another, or are your products and services accessible by low revenue or high revenue merchants/customers.) By addressing each of these issues you will be able to define your customer’s profile adequately, and can now shift your attention to where exactly you can find these customers. (Smaller merchants are apt to be found on Facebook, where larger merchants are more often than not found on social media platforms like LinkedIn.

Find Clients Using Social Media2. Make friends with influencers in your niche – Depending upon your target segment, a key to your online presence will be the relationships developed and maintained by those who serve as key influencers in your niche. If, for instance, your primary target audience is fashion design, then you want to be certain to include and interact with many of the top influencers in this industry segment. It is imperative that you mention these influencers regularly on your own site and in your own blogs, like them over an over again, make them your favorites. Understanding that making friends with key influencers will, eventually, over time, allow them to recognize you as a useful resource for their followers as well, will eventually open the door to a productive relationship between you and your segment influencers thereby increasing customer base for both.

3. Share and Engage with Your Audience – Knowing what your customers are interested in is a useful tool in creating a visible presence for you. Engaging in conversations that are both interesting and useful to your customers is a sure fire way of attracting and maintaining their attention, all the while encouraging them to communicate. If your clients are interested in trade news, or daily tips for improving business, or perhaps industry trends, then indeed you want to incorporate these topics in your communications. Offering informative and compelling content increases the odds of having your content shared, and when content is shared the likelihood of an increased customer base is more present.

Knowing your target customers, familiarizing yourself with the social media platforms that they frequent and use, and interacting with these regularly and creatively, giving your primary focus to “their” wants and needs and not yours, will help to increase your customer base, and build a reputable influencer network that your customers and merchants will learn to appreciate. Original and creative content, informative communications, and friendly conversations are key to an increased customer base which, obviously, is key to increased revenues and a successful online presence for you and your business.

I am currently in the process of updating my product Going Global With Facebook. This product teaches you how to create, publish and monitor your Facebook ads so that you can have an endless stream of clients coming to you. No one likes to “chase” clients/customers! Facebook ads allow you to “get in front” of your ideal customer and/or client. While I am updating this product you can invest $97 today AND when the updates are complete you’ll be provided with immediate and free access. That’s a savings of $300! Take a peek now and get in front of your ideal customers!

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