
5 Little Known Facebook Benefits For Business


The longer I have been on Facebook the more benefits I receive from it for my business. I started out on Facebook just to see if I could find more of my old high school friends than I did on Classmates. I have definitely found more and there has been a lot more interaction than Classmates.

Here are five of the benefits you will receive when you decide to use Facebook for your business…

computa#1 If you are participating in an event you want others to attend, e.g., teleclass, fundraiser, webinar, live event, etc., you can get the word out quickly and have a good showing. When your ready to kick it up a notch or two you can start using Facebook ads to let people know about your events. You are able to put yourself in front of your potential customers and discover what they are talking about and searching for on the web.

#2 You can learn about your distant customers by their posts. You will feel much more connected to them when you meet them than you thought possible. You can stay connected with the customers you already have and learn to provide the products they are looking for.

#3 My customers sometimes say profound things. These profound things can have a positive impact on how you do your business, it has happened to me and I am very grateful.

customer birthday 10#4 You are reminded of your customer’s birthdays so you do not need to keep track or spend money on a card, and it’s a great time to send them encouraging words.

#5 You can find old and new friends through your current friends and have them become your customers or clients, or refer you to new customers or clients.

There are many, many more benefits for using Social Media Marketing for your business. The best thing to do is to just get started. Social Media Marketing is not something that happens over night, it does take time. You will need to build trust with your customers and potential customers and like Kees Kamies says… “Give trust, and you’ll get it double in return.”

Check out the our new January webinar. “Facebook Changes, They’ve Made It Easier to Make Money (Part II)” just click the Link below:

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  AND I look forward to seeing you on the webinar.

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