Archive for Content Creation


Content Marketing Strategy

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Do you ever feel frustrated because you just can’t produce enough content to keep all of your social media profiles and blog current?  Check out these great tips and tools we found for you.  I’m sure something will make your content creation easier and more fun!


As a marketer, you might have noticed how traditional advertising is less effective. Even mobile ads are disliked by 70% of users. What can you do to effectively connect your products to your audience?

Instagram is a good answer. Its audience has grown rapidly, totaling over 800 million (increasing 200 million between July and September 2017 alone). And, according to Social Media Today, referrals from Instagram “spend the longest time on e-commerce sites with an average duration of 192 seconds, which is almost double Facebook and triple Pinterest.”

Read more: 4 Tips for Engaging Instagram Content [Examples] via Content Marketing Institute

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It’s 5:49 pm on a Tuesday evening. You finish a blog post, hit publish and head to dinner. When you arrive at the office on Wednesday, you eagerly check your metrics only to find that your post barely attracted a handful of visitors. And one of them was your mom.

A frustrating situation for sure, but not unusual. In the crowded and competitive online world, your content doesn’t stand a chance unless you promote it.

Read more: 5 Content Promotion Techniques (and Tools to Help) via Social Media Today

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This, my friend, is one of the greatest examples of content marketing of all time.

I bet that when you hear “content marketing,” you think about blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and viral YouTube videos.

But content marketing been around far longer than the Internet.


Because content marketing is all about storytelling, and humans have told stories for as long as they could speak. Our attention will always go to those who tell great stories.

Read more: Content Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide via Neil Patel

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I love content curation!  That’s exactly what this post is – content curation.  Now I don’t share just anything, it must be in line with my business.  Would you like it if I started sending you blog posts all about fashion?  Probably Not! 🙂

With content creation you can add great value because you will be sharing nuggets you have found during your own on-line searches for answers.  It is very likely that your readers would NOT find the same content as you, therefore all this sharing is adding to their new knowledge too.

Read on and discover how you too can use content creation to continously post great articles.

Creating fresh, original content that keeps consumers coming back for more, on a consistent basis, isn’t easy. In fact, it’s incredibly difficult.

According to a recent survey from Content Marketing Trends, more than 53% of marketers don’t have the resources to consistently churn out great content, while a further 40% don’t have the budget to do it.

But there is another way to keep your content process flowing. If you’re unable to push out amazing content every single day (and, really, who has the time?), content curation is the answer.

While it’s important to keep producing original work that reflects your brand vision, you can fill in the gaps by curating content that’s already out there.

Read more: 12 Overlooked But Powerful Content Curation Tools via Social Media Today

Mad Men fans everywhere remember the pivotal first scene where we learn just how talented Don Draper is at his job.

Faced with an almost-impossible copywriting task, he rose to the occasion to solve a huge problem for his client, Lucky Strike. In spite of research warning customers of the dangers of cigarettes, Draper delivered the iconic slogan — “It’s toasted” — to differentiate the brand from its competitors.

Now, we definitely aren’t advocating for smoking cigarettes (or many of Draper’s health choices). But fictional or not, you can’t deny the memorability and catchiness of that tagline.

Read more: Copywriting 101: 6 Traits of Excellent Copy Readers Will Remember via Hubspot


Facebook Ads To Drive Leads

Social media advertising is now a core skill that businesses need to master. It sits next to email marketing and content marketing as a core competency that the marketing team needs to have in their toolkit.

The top social media channel that most digital marketers have as their “go to network” is Facebook.

But Facebook ads come in all shapes and sizes. Boost posts, create awareness, capture leads, drive traffic, grow your likes and many more. It is complicated and often confusing.

That means you can waste a lot of money fast.

So how are other organisations spending their dollars on social media advertising?

Read more: 3 Examples of High Performing Facebook Ads That Drive Leads and Sales via Jeff Bullas



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Want to publish more polished blog posts?

Looking for free or low-budget tools to help?

In this article, you’ll discover three blogging tools that will help you catch typos and improve readability of your blog posts.

Read More: 3 Blogging Tools to Improve Your Content Quality Via Social Media Examiner

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Sometimes you probably won’t be able to avoid a rewrite – maybe you really did get it wrong, and to produce a quality piece of content, you need to start over. And sometimes you didn’t get it wrong but the powers that be are so powerful that you still have to rewrite. Such is the life of a writer.

But depending on the issues being raised with the piece, and your powers of persuasion, you may not have to go that route. Here are a couple of alternative tactics to try.

Read More: 4 Ways to Revise Your Content, as Opposed to Rewriting via Social Media Today

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Your precious words. You know they’ve got to be right to attract the audience you want.

You’ve slaved over them, carefully crafting each phrase. You finally hit “publish,” and what happens?

Nobody reads them. No comments, no tweets, no sharing on Facebook.

It’s enough to send a writer into deep depression and wipe out motivation to keep producing great content.

Think you need to spend another 10,000 hours perfecting your writing skills? Probably not.

Actually, the solution may be a lot easier than you expect. Writing less and styling your text so it’s easy to read could be all you need to do to attract and hold attention.

Read More: 8 Incredibly Simple Ways to Get More People to Read Your Content via Copy Blogger

Categories : Content Creation
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Marketing Tips and Useful Tools

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Google Analytics is without a doubt one of the most useful tools available to help you gain insight into your online marketing performance. However, it’s quite complex and hence not the most user-friendly platform, especially not for beginners.

To get those juicy insights that can help you get better results from your marketing activities, you need to go through a set of Google Analytics admin settings and customize the reporting so you have a well-tuned stream of data and performance metrics coming in.

Read more: 25 Google Analytics Admin Settings Explained via Razor Social

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Blogging is one of the best ways to grow your business online.

But there’s no doubt about it. Managing a blog can be hard work.

Between the setup, design, and content creation… maintaining your blog can feel like a full time job.

Not to mention the optimization and promotion that comes once you hit publish.

Read more: 25 of the Best Blogging Tools to Increase Traffic via Rebekah Radice

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Do you want more social traffic to your blog posts?

Wondering how to tailor your blog post shares for each network?

Properly sharing your blog posts via your social media channels will help deliver a steady stream of visitors to your blog.

In this article, you’ll discover how to successfully cross-promote your blog posts on top social media platforms.

Read more: How to Promote Your Blog Posts Using Social Media: A Guide for Marketers via Social Media Examiner



Categories : Content Creation
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Want to connect more with your target audience?

Wondering how to deliver relevant social media content consistently?

Planning your social media content delivery keeps your marketing on-message, making it more likely that you’ll reach your business goals.

In this article, you’ll discover how to create a social media marketing content plan for your business.

Read More: How to Create a Social Media Marketing Content Plan in 7 Steps via Social Media Examiner

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Do you ever get stuck for visual content ideas to post to your social media channels?

If you are lost for inspiration then these 3 Tools will have you creating (and curating) so much content you will be scheduled ahead for months.

Read More: How To Strike Gold With Visual Content Ideas – 3 Awesome Tools via Socially Sorted

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There are an infinite number of social media goals: increased brand awareness, a bigger, more competitive social media community, getting more prospects into the consideration phase, inspiring advocacy, generating leads and sales…the list goes on. If you don’t have a goal, you don’t have a path to meet and exceed that goal. When setting goals and working towards them on social, you should:

Read More: 5 Clever Goal-Focused Facebook Campaign Ideas via Simply Measured



Categories : Content Creation
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