
Managing Social Media for Christmas


With Christmas just around the corner, online business owners are vamping up their online presence. Focusing on getting their brands, products, and services recognized, shared and yes, purchased, online business owners utilize all the resources and tools available to them on an ongoing basis and even more so at this festive time of year. A time when sales are increased, shoppers are more actively purchasing online and businesses are looking to accommodate all their customers’ shopping needs, creating and implementing a well thought out Christmas plan of action is important to your business success.

Planning ahead with your Christmas promos and gimmicks is critical to the success of your online business during this very busy and highly trafficked time of year. Setting your promos in motion early on, offering gifts and giveaways as an incentive for shoppers to visit your site and purchase your products is one sure fire way of getting the attention of shoppers and keeping them engaged.

christmas sale

Whatever your business sales plan may be and whatever call to action you opt to use, creating and presenting them in a timely fashion will greatly contribute to the success of your Christmas holiday sales. Certainly making a vivid presence on your social media platforms will most assuredly engage your clients and potential new customers since these very platforms are frequented by everyone every day and even more during the festive holiday season.

hashtagsOne of the most common means of getting your company and/or products and services recognized on social media platforms is through the use of hashtags. Hashtags are a definitive way for social media users, including online business owners, to tag their media posts with specific keywords that allow for those holiday shoppers to search out and find them. Truly the use of hashtags for managing your social media at Christmas time can only enhance your presence and indeed your sales as well.

Hashtags are a very common practice among all people not just online business owners, and have even found their way to text messages, songs, chats and advertisements of every type. With this in mind, why would you not use this successful tool to manage your business and social media presence at Christmas and any time since they are so often used and commonly favored.

ChristmasAlso at this very festive time of year, the use of colorful graphics can greatly benefit your business and visibility. The more vibrant colors you use, the more they are noticed, recognized and shared by visitors to your sites. People tend to be drawn to vibrant, colorful advertisements and products, so it is understandable why the use of these graphics could and would enhance your presence. Attractive, even playful graphics truly add life and style to your sites and will most assuredly contribute to more site visitors. People are typically drawn to positive, vibrant things in life and online websites and social media posts are no exception to this rule.

If you need help staying focused and setting all of your social media marketing check out my new coaching program. I am so excited to introduce The Social Success Coach and our first coaching program. Many people have been asking me for a long time to put together a way that they can ask me questions and get them answered on a priority basis. This is it – 4 Weeks To Visibility.  Let me help you bring it all together! Check it out Now, the first session starts on January 02, 2016.

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