
Google Webmaster Blogs Moved Locations


Google Webmaster Blogs Has Moved

As you know, Google renamed Google Webmaster Central to Google Search Central. But with that, as Google told us, they are moving the blogs to a new location. That move was made yesterday (they actually did some weird things that broke Wednesday night) but the move completed on Thursday.

The new blog location is at If you go to the old address,, it will do some sort of weird redirect. At the time I checked it, it was not sending a redirect header server status code but maybe it will be fixed when this is published.

In any event, here is what the blog now looks like (click to enlarge):

click for full size

I like the internal pages, it shows you the navigation to the old posts by date all in the side bar:

click for full size


via Google Webmaster Blogs Moved Locations


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