
Outsourcing, How Do I Afford It in the Beginning? (Yes You Can!)


entrepreneur_965791We budding entrepreneurs usually start off on a pretty tight budget. The whole idea is that you can “do it all yourself” and save money; correct? In most cases that is wrong, personally I wished I had learned the lesson a little earlier. When I think of all the time I invested learning something new because I didn’t think I could afford to pay someone to do it I realize that it would have been much more effective to pay someone else to do it for me.

What would you do with all of the time that you would get back? Invest it somewhere else in your business that would bring you more profits. For many entrepreneurs spending months or even years learning a new skill is not unheard of, only to find that you really don’t like doing the task. For years I did all my own accounting and income tax. Not something I enjoyed.Therefore most of the time spent on it was begrudging and unhappy plus taking me double or even triple the amount of time it would take someone who knows what they are doing. Yes I really would have preferred to be doing something else.B85TT0

You can find places where people will perform small tasks for you for a fixed price. Start small! You don’t have to go out and hire a full time assistant right off the bat. For me the first project I outsourced was the creation of my first ebook. I had the written content but I had no idea how to put it all together. I found a very efficient person who got it done in a very short period of time for only $75.00, it would have taken me months! If it isn’t in your area of expertise don’t expect to be good at it!

There are a number of places you can go to have things done for you and in some cases depending upon what you want done, quite inexpensively. Do your research, find something that suits your requirements. Here are two places you can start with, I have used both and had favorable results.

1) Elance.com
2) Fiverr.com
3) oDesk.com

You can also find people on Twitter, watch what your followers are doing see what they have to offer. I met Jeff Herring The Article Marketing Guy on Twitter. Bought a small product from him and now have over 250 articles on Ezine Articles. That is the beauty of Social Media, you can watch and wait, make your decision based on your needs and timing.

Remember it is your call as to who you hire. Do not let anyone push you into something you are uncomfortable doing.

We have an special offer to you, it’s the place I found and continue to find my great virtual assistants. This is an affiliate link, however should you decide you’re ready to grow your team this is an excellent place to start!

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!

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