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When it come to traffic there is one kind that we all seriously dislike, commuter traffic.  In many cases it is one of the reasons we are building home based businesses, so we don’t have to sit in that commuter traffic.  However when it comes to that home based business you definitely want more traffic.

But the question is can you have too much?  You will find some people say yes and some people say no, I say both.

Yes you definitely want more traffic coming to your website because more traffic means more sales Right?  Unfortunately that is not always the case; you also need to be ready for it.  If all people do is come to your website look around and then leave, so what if you have traffic they are not buying, commenting or asking questions about your products or services.  You want people to hang around, engage and create a buzz right there on your site.

Is your website engaging?

When you have a website that is “converting” then NO you can’t have too much traffic.

You want that traffic to be targeted, not everyone is ready to buy your product or service, in fact some people will NEVER be ready.  You want to find the people who are interested, who already have identified a need for your product or service.  Then put yourself in front of them.  Social Media Marketing with Facebook, Twitter and YouTube is an excellent way to put yourself out there so that people will be able to know, like and trust you.

Here are 3 more ways to get traffic to your website…

email-listEmail your list – one of the first things you can do is to email your list.  Now that might seem super obvious however when you email your list are you making offers?  Are you telling people to go back to your website and take a look at your products.  When I first started building my list I was scared that people would opt-out if I “tried to sell them”, I have learned better.  It costs you money, time and effort to maintain a list, as a business owner you have the right to reap the rewards of that effort.  Make offers when you email your list.

Buy it – another way to get traffic to your website is to buy it.  You can do this with Facebook ads, Pay Per Click (PPC) ad campaigns, hire another company to drive traffic to your site, hire someone to conduct your social media campaigns and have them drive traffic to your site.  There literally 100’s of ways to spend money getting traffic to your site, do your homework!  Check out potential methods and companies, don’t just go with the one who promises you the world, you may find yourself disappointed.Business Team Work!

Joint venture – you can get together with other like minded business people who have products and/or services that are compatible with your own.  Do a teleseminar, webinar or event together, use your imagination what can you do together that will mutually benefit all.


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If you’re ready to put rocket fuel into your social-media marketing plans, this could be the most important message you’ll read all year.
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Real engagement, and real dollars
I know how valuable your time is – and it’s critical that your marketing efforts pay off. It’s true, time is money. And you can’t afford to be wasting time focusing on low-yield activities. That’s why we’ll be focusing a LOT on the exact steps to take, end-to-end, to really ramp up your measurable results!

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Do you have an active LinkedIn profile? If you do I am sure you have had people message you and ask for a recommendation. The frustrating piece is that people you don’t even know are asking you for recommendations. Or sometimes people you have only met once at a local networking event. How willing are you to give them a recommendation? Never, Right?

5-recommendations-for-assembling-a-successful-team-of-freelancers-05535768eaSo how on earth can you get recommendations from people without asking when so many people you don’t even know are asking for them.

One way is to use the function LinkedIn has built into the platform…

Another, and my preferred way is to provide recommendations for people you know like and trust that have not been requested. Don’t expect they will necessarily return the favor, but it will come from somewhere.LinkedIn-Search-For-People-Get-Connected-And-Get-Organized

The old saying you need to give in order to get works really well here. How would you feel if, out of the blue you received a recommendation on LinkedIn? You’d love it, Right? Who do you want to give that feeling to? I am sure you have customers, service providers, trainers or perhaps a coach you could recommend. Who is your favorite author? Find them on LinkedIn and give them a recommendation.

What are your favorite books in your niche? Give a recommendation once in a while to someone in your niche, it’s a great way to stand out from the crowd. It give the impression of increase and increases the opportunity for others in your niche to connect with you.

Check out the our new November webinar. “Let’s Pimp Out Your LinkedIn Profile” just click the Link below:

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!


To Mention or Not To Mention? (Yes You Can On LinkedIn)

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example 1The mention function on LinkedIn is a great way for you to engage with other connections, professionals and associates who are the primary users of this social media platform however you must consider exercising caution first before making the most out of this function.

Like many of the other social media platforms LinkedIn has a method where you can mention people or business in your posts and/or comments. It is as easy as inserting the @ sign and then start typing the name of the person or business. You will then see a selection of people pop up, you select the specific person you want to mention.

The bigger question however is when and where to use this function. I have seen many people spam others with this function, however I would definitely NOT recommend you do that!

It is a great way to increase your exposure and visibility. You can let people know about a post you specifically want them to see. My favorite way to use the mention function is to let someone know when I have posted something they requested. It is also very effective in the comment section when you specifically want to bring your comment to the attention of another commenter or one of your connections.

In your profile settings you can have LinkedIn send you an email when you are mentioned. This will ensure you catch all the times you are mentioned and then you can respond appropriately.To_Mention_or_Not_to_Mention_on_LinkedIn

When you use the mention function you also allow people to share ideas and resources, it makes it so much easier for people to view and contribute.

It is a form of participation that may lead people to higher-value contributions. I know when I am specifically mentioned I feel the need to make a worthwhile contribution to the conversation. It reflects poorly on me when my contribution lacks thought and insight.

Bottom line it really will increase participation by encouraging collaboration. We all love to have our opinions shared, understood and agreed with. Using the mention function allows you to fully take advantage of those wonderful human needs.


Remember, LinkedIn is the most professional of all the social media platforms. Overusing the mention function could harm your reputation, use it with caution.

We have a great free webinar coming up on November 12, 2013. Come and join us and learn ” How To Pimp Out Your LinkedIn Profile.”

Check out the our new November webinar. “Let’s Pimp Out Your LinkedIn Profile” just click the Link below:

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!

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Outsourcing is a popular topic these days, should you or shouldn’t you; there are lots of opinions for both.  Here are 3 mistakes to look out for and what you can do instead to make sure you are getting the best out of your outsourcing dollars.

I have heard so many people say once they can afford to outsource they can just forget about it.  HMMMM do you really think your business will thrive if you are not there to provide the attention it needs?

Mistake Number One

internet_searchingJust pick the first person that comes along and dump your work on them and walk away, this requires no effort or thought on your part.  However you will very likely find that your new “employee” will put no effort or thought into how they do your work. You need to do the work up front to find a good match.  This takes knowing your job very well and the skills that it takes to get it done properly.  Talk to your potential candidates and find out what makes them tick.  Remember you are much better off investing the time up front finding that good match who will do your job well.

Mistake Number Two

Too many people just jump into outsourcing without taking the time to think about what the reason they are outsourcing in the first place.  This will result in potential disasters between what you want and what you get.  Keep your end result in mind…  why you are outsourcing in the first place?  What specifically do you want to accomplish?  Knowing this up front will assist you in finding that “good match” and allow you to more easily measure the results of your outsourcing dollars.

Mistake Number ThreeTime to Invest - Clock

How many times have you heard someone say “oh ya, I tried that outsourcing, it didn’t work”.  You must take the time to train and show the new person exactly what you want.  They definitely will not be a mind reader.  Detailed instructions (best if in writing are a MUST, especially if you are asking them to perform technical tasks.  Remember this too will take time.  However when you invest the time and effort with your new person they will get a better and better understanding of your needs.  When you make that up front investment you will find that as time goes on they will be able to make suggestions and provide ideas that will assist in growing your business.

Bonus Mistake Number Four

If you have the belief that you will be able to get this done for free, think again.  Remember it will cost you, whether the cost is time or money it will cost.  However when you find the right person for you and invest the time to train them properly it is well worth the effort.

Check out the recording from our monthly webinar for even more information to help you outsource with grace and ease. “Do I Really Need a Small Business Social Media Manager and How to Pick One” just click the Link below:

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!

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entrepreneur_965791We budding entrepreneurs usually start off on a pretty tight budget. The whole idea is that you can “do it all yourself” and save money; correct? In most cases that is wrong, personally I wished I had learned the lesson a little earlier. When I think of all the time I invested learning something new because I didn’t think I could afford to pay someone to do it I realize that it would have been much more effective to pay someone else to do it for me.

What would you do with all of the time that you would get back? Invest it somewhere else in your business that would bring you more profits. For many entrepreneurs spending months or even years learning a new skill is not unheard of, only to find that you really don’t like doing the task. For years I did all my own accounting and income tax. Not something I enjoyed.Therefore most of the time spent on it was begrudging and unhappy plus taking me double or even triple the amount of time it would take someone who knows what they are doing. Yes I really would have preferred to be doing something else.B85TT0

You can find places where people will perform small tasks for you for a fixed price. Start small! You don’t have to go out and hire a full time assistant right off the bat. For me the first project I outsourced was the creation of my first ebook. I had the written content but I had no idea how to put it all together. I found a very efficient person who got it done in a very short period of time for only $75.00, it would have taken me months! If it isn’t in your area of expertise don’t expect to be good at it!

There are a number of places you can go to have things done for you and in some cases depending upon what you want done, quite inexpensively. Do your research, find something that suits your requirements. Here are two places you can start with, I have used both and had favorable results.


You can also find people on Twitter, watch what your followers are doing see what they have to offer. I met Jeff Herring The Article Marketing Guy on Twitter. Bought a small product from him and now have over 250 articles on Ezine Articles. That is the beauty of Social Media, you can watch and wait, make your decision based on your needs and timing.

Remember it is your call as to who you hire. Do not let anyone push you into something you are uncomfortable doing.

We have an special offer to you, it’s the place I found and continue to find my great virtual assistants. This is an affiliate link, however should you decide you’re ready to grow your team this is an excellent place to start!

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!

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Windmill Networking: Understanding, Leveraging & Maximizing LinkedIn: An Unofficial, Step-by-Step Guide to Creating & Implementing Your LinkedIn Brand – Social Networking in a Web 2.0 World (Paperback)

Twitter For Dummies (Paperback)

Facebook Marketing For Dummies (Paperback)