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As a small business owner, it is important to establish an online presence to connect with the online consumer. This is what social media marketing is all about. Social media is a revolution as far as business interactions are concerned. In today’s world, brands are built and torn apart on social platforms. Because of this, you would do well as a business owner to make sure you use the available platforms to grow your brand and your reputation. Unless you fall in the lesser percentage, it is very likely that you are one of those business owners who can’t keep up with technology and media advancements.

Yes, you may know how to transform an idea into a million bucks but you don’t know the first thing about LinkedIn or Twitter. How do you make use of social marketing when you are lacking in expertise in the said field? Simple, hire a social media manager.2013-10-11_1126

A social media manager is a professional who is skilled in taking care of the communication and marketing aspects of your business. In basic terms, this is the person who gets in touch with the consumer on your behalf on the social platforms. There are various reasons why hiring a small business social media manager is a good idea.

In this article we will outline 3 reasons;

1. Social marketing platforms are constantly changing. What may have worked last year will not necessarily work this year, even last month. As a business owner, you may not have the time, energy or knowledge to keep up with changing trends. Because they do change often! It is the job of the SM manager to keep up with these trends for the sake of your business.

Remember, if you ignore current trends you run the risk of being irrelevant and losing your clients/customers to your competitors. If there’s one thing that’s certain about the online consumer, it’s their erratic and impatient nature. They are not willing to waste too much time on a brand that does not seem to care about its online image and presence.

Small-Business-Owner-Open2. As a business owner, you may already know how important it is to have an online presence. You have definitely heard this before. However, you may not know how to get the right audience for your brand.

For instance, if you sell products targeted at older people, you want to make sure that you reach out to them and not anyone else. It is one thing to have an audience and it is another to have the right audience. Your social media manager will help you identify avenues that will lead your brand to the right audience.

14959739-businessman-monitor-the-progress-of-their-actions-online-with-his-smartphone3. SM managers are also able to monitor the progress made through digital campaigns. If you embark on a marketing campaign, it is important to track any milestones reached by the campaign. Otherwise, you run the risk of investing too much in a campaign that yields nothing. The best person to keep tabs on the digital campaign is your SM manager. They will also recommend new ways to do things if the current methods are not achieving the intended goals.

Instead of worrying that you don’t know how to take advantage of social media, hire someone who does and watch your business grow.

Check out our webinar replay here ==>

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!

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When you initially sit down to get something done, or even when you just start thinking about it… Do you get that feeling of overwhelm, you have no idea really what to do or where to start. Well pat yourself on the back, you are not alone. We all feel that way at some time or other when learning something new or taking on new tasks. I remember years ago when I first started learning about Social Media Marketing, I can vividly remember thinking Oh My Gosh!! This is a Huge subject.

When you create your own process for learning something new you can apply the same procedure over and over again each time you need or want to take on a new task. Many people have asked me over the years how do I do it, keep learning all this new stuff? It was after I was asked that question a number of times before I actually sat down and thought about it.

Here is my procedure for creating the time to learn all the new things that are happening in Social Media Marketing…

schedule_clipart 450x3001) set a daily schedule, figure out the best time for you to spend time on this new task

2) focus on one thing at a time – as much as possible turn everything else off. An example for me is that I must turn off all my other computer programs. When learning something new on the computer I even close down all the other windows and just have the one open that I need.

3) put yourself on a timer – in the beginning it may be very challenging if you believe you need to learn everything all at once. Well guess what unless it is a super duper simple task we never really learn everything at the first go round. Understand that it may take a while, remember you never learned how to operate your computer in one session. Do yourself a favor make the initial time periods short. When I first started writing articles my timer was for only 15 minutes, however I would not allow myself to do anything else. If I did not work on the article then I would just sit and look at the screen. I have Never spent the entire 15 minutes looking at the screen using this method, I have always been able to write something.

4) write out specifics for each procedure – sometimes it may be a task or learning that you will not repeat daily, when you have something written down you will save yourself the stress of having to remember.6a0128763842f6970c0176153dbd12970c-800wi

5) start with the end in mind – what will you gain by finishing the task or learning the new skill. Remind yourself “what’s in it for me!” When you think about that it can be a lot easier to keep yourself on task.

As I continue to learn and share all about social media marketing I realize that these procedures and process are what enable me to keep learning and to be able to respond to the questions from my clients with ease.

Did you catch any of the interviews from the ”Best Client Summit” just click the Link and see what all the excitement was all about:

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!

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With social media marketing it is so very easy to get lost in all of it. When you first start looking at it as another marketing tool to add to your tool belt it can be challenging just to decide where to start. Much less figure out exactly what is going to be the most useful for your business. I strongly suggest you start with one tool and learn it will before you move on.

Here are 5 tips you can start taking advantage of right now…

1) Stay up to date – it surprises me how many people get started, learn a little bit and then stop learning. All of the tools and platforms are upgrading and adding new features all the time. Social media is a very competitive market. It is in your best interest to keep up to date, download new versions and start using them. New features are often created because customers asked for it and could make the program much easier for you to use.

04-11_tt3_article2) Use the right tools – there are so many options out there today that it will take you some time to find out which ones are best for you. There are 100’s of options to assist you in managing your social media accounts. Knowing what you want the tool to do for you is very important or else you’ll be off chasing that next shiny object. Remember too that you can change the tools you use. For a long time I used TweetDeck and then I found that for my purposes HootSuite suited my needs much better.

3) Automate – this one is my favorite! Many times in my life I have said “if I have to do it more than once the computer can do it better”. Look for ways to automate the repetitive tasks, I actually use 5 different tools to assist me in managing Twitter accounts for my clients. This allows me concentrate on the most important aspects of their accounts.  My Marketing Automation Group Mastermind helps me immensely in this area.  I hope you are in a great mastermind too!  They are very powerful.


4) Experiment – Test things out, don’t be afraid to check things out just remember you need to know what you are looking for when you start. When you have that idea in your mind about want the tool to do for you it is usually pretty quick and easy to decide if it has the potential you are looking for. You will easily be able to make the decision to spend more time investigating or move on.

5) Say no – don’t be chasing after the next shiny object or program. You need to be selective in what you do. Consistently ask yourself the question “is this best for my business right now?” If it is going to take you away from your business because you are going to have to spend hours and hours learning something new then maybe now is not the best time. You know what you need to get done, don’t let others distract you and take you off task.

We have an special offer to you “Best Client Summit” just click the Link:

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!

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Social media is the latest cutting edge form of business marketing and networking. As a small business owner, you need to take advantage of all of this opportunities. It allows you to directly communicate with the consumer and keep up with changing trends in your market. There are many platforms that you can take advantage of. These include websites and blogging sites, networking sites such as Facebook, video sharing sites, customer review sites and even podcasting sites. But how do you manage all these, when as a business owner your plate is already full thanks to other managerial and executive tasks? This is where a social media manager (SMM) comes in.

A SMM is a professional who is tasked with the responsibility of managing the many profiles you have created or want to create for your business. This means that it’s their job to assist you to create business profiles on the various sites and manage the content posted on those profiles. They can also handle customer service such as answering customers’ questions as well as managing your business’ reputation. You will also get clear explanations on how different platforms work and how they are interconnected.

So, what do you need to consider when hiring a small business social media manager?

socialmediaexpert1. The ideal SMM is a strategist. This means the person you hire to be your manager must be able to explain to you how they intend to run your marketing campaign. They must have vast experience running digital campaigns and of course with a track record of success.

2. A good SMM is passionate about technology. Social media and technology go hand in hand. As such, a good manager will always know what the latest technology is as this allows them to make progress in the field..They will know what the latest gadgets, apps and inventions are. If you are interviewing a small business SMM who does not seem to care about technology, please run in the opposite direction.

download3. A good choice for your SMM is someone who has organizational skills and is knowledgeable. As earlier mentioned, there are many different platforms a small business can use to their advantage. Avoid SM managers who seem to think that Facebook is all there is to social media. Change is consistent in this environment, it can be very challenging to keep up with all of the changes on each and every platform.

When choosing your small business social media manager, keep in mind that the person you choose is going to be the face of your company as far as SM marketing is concerned. Therefore, choose someone with business understanding and someone who is able to communicate well with existing and potential customers. An excellent SMM is able to spot opportunities and help you turn those opportunities into profits for your business. As a business owner, you already know that the online consumer holds a lot of power as far as making purchases is concerned. Don’t let the opportunities presented by social media platforms pass you by.

We have an special Webinar to you “Do I Really Need a Small Business Social Media Manager and How to Pick One” just click the Link:

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!

Need more information, here is another blog post titled “3 Benefits of Hiring a Small Business Social Media Manager” Check it out now.

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10402471-3d-render-of-social-network-conceptThere are many ways social media will help you with the marketing of your business. One of the really great benefits is that it’s a platform of one to many. Which for some is MUCH more efficient and all we business owners want to use our time more efficiently, Right?

Many times, you are going to be going out to different events. You’re going to be meeting people one-on-one and that takes time. Social media is a great way to be able to put yourself out there one to many which is going to save you time, effort and money. Social media will help you with your online reputation, because reputation management is becoming even more important.

When you have the finger the pulse of your reputation online, you are going to be able to see quickly and easily what’s going on in your business in the online market. When you find something that maybe you don’t particularly like, you are going to be able to craft a message so that your company is going to be able to save face. You are going to be able to put your perspective on a challenge.

On the other hand, you’re also going to be able to elaborate more on the good stuff that is out there for your particular company, and you’re going to be able to make sure that your marketing message stays consistent. Social media marketing can really lead the way for your business to attract new customers and clients.

Once you have attracted those new customers and clients, you are going to be able to have some great new sales opportunity, newclientstake part in those conversations and put yourself in front of the people who are looking for what you have. You will be able to use special offers. Many times you will see on a well-managed fan page on Facebook where the first people who know about a new product, service or special promotion are the actual fans, and the people who are on the fan page will get a special offer because they’re already following, they’re already there.

Social media marketing really does lead the way, and we have some great options for you to be able to learn how to lead the way or to hire us to help you lead the way. Take a look around, you’ll see big companies asking you to follow them on Twitter, or join their Facebook Page – It’s Everywhere! Are You?

We have an special offer to you the “Facebook List” just click the Link below: 

“Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog. Just the link below to leave a comment.”

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