Archive for Twitter

Are you looking for the perfect social media strategy for your business?

With social media, there are many, many ways that you can get started. There are tons of programs and platforms on which you can develop your online presence. What I have found is that most people are looking for that one single right answer. That single perfect answer for them. Guess what? There is no single right answer.

This really hit home for me at the off-leash park. I had my dogs at the off-leash park, the big one, the size of 2 football fields. It was POURING rain and the park had some large VERY muddy spots. As I was watching the dog interact with each other I noticed how each one of them approached playing so very differently. Some dogs avoided the mud totally and others were in there rolling around with gleeful abandon! (Tyra our Gordon Setter was one of those!)Tyra for Blog Post

It was wonderful to watch how each of the dogs behaved so differently and yet still had a good time playing with the other dogs who had similar behavior. The approach they chose was perfect for them. As I was watching them I realized that people need to adopt their approach when it comes to social media. There is no perfect approach, no one size fits all. Everyone, just like the dogs, has a different approach. Go with it!

What you choose to do right now is perfect for you. Whether you choose to start with Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn or one of the other social media platforms, that is the perfect choice for you right now. That does not mean that you have to give up using any of the other ones. What happens is that you’re going to learn how to use one platform well. Maybe you’re going to start off with two. You’re going to learn them well. And then as you build on that experience, you’re going to bring the other ones in.
EBOOK-COVER-FOR-TWITTER-STARTER•FAYou start out with Twitter, because it works at the speed of light and you want to see quick results. You learn how to use Twitter, you get it going, you understand what you’re doing, and then you move on to Facebook. Or you can do it the other way around. Either one works. Facebook is more relationship oriented and it can take longer to build the relationships. The way around that is to buy Facebook Ads, it helps people find you faster.

Your strategy needs to work with your personality, what you are comfortable with. You pick the one that works best in your business model. If your product or service is business to business then LinkedIn would be the better choice as that is what the platform is built upon.

Whatever you decide to do is perfect for you at the time. There is no one single perfect answer.

To help you decide which social media platform you like the best or believe would be the most fun for you, check out the forums in your niche, what are others saying is the most effective? Find a blog that is considered to be the best source of information for your niche, Google can help with this. Study how they are using social media and adapt it to your business.

Most people, simply make it up as they go along. This is a good thing! You’ll find that one thing will work well for you, so you’ll keep doing it. You’ll test out something else and it won’t work quite as well. You’ll move on to creating YouTube videos, and oh my gosh, they’ll take off like a house of fire, and you’ll wonder why you never did that before.images

With social media, it’s building relationships. It’s connecting with people who are interested in your product or service. Whatever you choose to do is right for you. Which one do you like? Which one do you think is going to be the most fun? Which one do you think is going to be the most profitable for you right now? There really is no perfect solution.

Everybody’s business is different, everybody’s personality is different, and everybody’s learning experience is different. There is a single perfect answer for you and that is whatever you choose to do right now.

Start using social media.

Pick one.

That doesn’t mean you aren’t going to get to do the rest.

You’re just going to do them later.

Remember social media isn’t something that is going to happen overnight. You’ll be required to build up your presence, show consistency and reliability; always be providing value.


We have an special offer to you the “Facebook Birthday” just click the Link below:

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!

I have been doing a lot of research on Twitter lately and have been amazed at how many people are practicing all these different no-nos and expecting to get results. I noticed three main actions that people are taking that are just going to get them unfollowed.

1. Tweeting nothing but links. If it’s an affiliate link or not, it doesn’t matter, it’s when everything is links. When you see a link on Twitter, you’re not exactly trusting of that person because you may not know them, this is natural. It may be one of the Twitter followers that you’ve already had conversations with and are developing a relationship, those people will be more likely to click. But if it’s links and it’s nothing but link after link after link, then pretty soon you’re going to be like many people and you’re just going be unfollowed.

images2. The second big no-no that I see again and again and again is tweeting too much. I just completed a Twitter for Beginning webinar and that was one of the things that we talked about a fair bit. What is tweeting too much? It really does depend on you, the receiver of the tweets, what you want to see in your Twitter stream, but if you’ve got 190 followers and they’re following 220 people and you’ve tweeted 5,000 times, the chances are you’ve tweeted too much. You really have to stop and think about how often you are sending out a tweet and whether or not you do need to send it out. A good question to ask yourself is whether or not it is valuable.images (1)

3. The third is a little trend that’s been happening quite a bit lately is where people will make like they’re re-tweeting something that I tweeted . They have falsely included my name… the at sign, and then my Twitter name, and they put the RT in front and then their name. And it’s not my link. It’s not my tweet. They’re sending out — a lie. They are actually sending out something under my name that is not mine. It’s untrue. So it harms the person, myself, because then other people believe that I have been tweeting all these different links. This behavior will get you unfollowed.

Make sure you go through your Twitter profile through the people you follow and unfollow the people who do the things that you don’t like. Because whatever tweets are in your Twitter stream reflects upon you. Granted, yes, you are going to miss a few, there’s going to be a few that get in there, do this on a regular basis, schedule it, just scroll down through your tweets for a day and make sure that there’s nothing in there that is going to be offensive to you.

We have an special offer to you the “Facebook Birthday” just click the Link below:

Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog.  You are my inspiration!

Twitter is just a great tool for getting your information out there quickly and easily. Twitter lists are a very effective way to help you keep track of what’s going on. I have three suggestions for you on how you can use Twitter lists now that you have been set up.

images1. Twitter lists allow you to connect quickly and easily with your customers. You set up a specific list with just your customers. When you have that two or three minutes to spend on one of your social media platforms, you can go into Twitter, take a look at that specific list, you can respond to people, you can retweet what they’re saying, you can ask them a question, the list will only show your customers and what they’ve been tweeting, it won’t be all of your entire Twitter streams.

2. You can use Twitter to be location based. I have a Twitter list for Metro Vancouver because I live in Vancouver. I also have a Twitter list for the suburbia that I’m in, I live in New Westminster. I have Twitter lists for both of those locations. One of the things that’s really great about that is whenever I’m going out to a really big event here in the local area, I can go to that list, I can review it, I can see who is there, and I can retweet and I can find out whether or not it’s possible some of those people may be at the same event that I’m going to.

3. Now that you’ve attended the event and you’ve met a few new people, you can set up a Twitter list specifically for that event. Again, you’ll be surprised at how many people don’t do that who are on Twitter and how wonderfully it will be received once you start using lists for this purpose.twitterTHUMB

4. Keeping track of people who use specific key words. I do that when I am looking to start something new or whether or not I’m going to maybe create a product. For whatever you would want to do a little bit of keyword research, you want to find out what people are talking about on Twitter, you can keep track of people who are using those keywords.

There are four things to do with your Twitter lists now that you’ve gone through all of the work of making them. Get out there, use your Twitter lists, it is wonderfully easy to do and it makes a great impression when you go out to an event and after the event.

We have an special offer to you the “Facebook Birthday” just click the Link below:


“Would love to hear your comments and ideas right here on the blog. Just the link below to leave a comment.”

Twitter moves at an amazing speed. The more followers you have on Twitter, the faster that stream is going to fly by. It is amazing the diversity of people that will follow you and watch your tweets.

You want to make sure that you connect your blog to your Twitter account. It’s one of the ways that you’re going to automatically drive traffic. Each time you make a post on your blog, you can have it tweet the post has been made. One of the many ways to drive traffic back to your blog.

Something many people don’t take advantage of is to post your tweet more than once. Now remember we said that the Twitter stream can fly by very quickly. There is an excellent chance that most of your followers will not have seen the original tweet that came out when you initially created your blog post. You need to go back and tweet about it again.

  1. Tweet about it on different days,
  2. Tweet about it at different times of day.

One of the things that I like to do is to tweet for five consecutive days after I have made the blog post, but at a different time of day each time.

You want to use your keywords on your Twitter account. Plus use those same keywords to listen to other people on Twitter. When you “listen” to the tweets of other people you will find conversations around your business topics. You can then go in and

  1. comment,
  2. answer questions,
  3. provide a resource or
  4. support someone in getting something done.

You also must remember to thank all of those people who share your tweets; who re-tweet your tweets. We all like to be appreciated, we all like to be thanked for things that we do. When you thank people for RT’ing you also drive more traffic back to your own Twitter account giving everyone another opportunity to see all your different blog posts.

When you are thanking someone for re-tweeting one of your posts, take that time and the opportunity to find something of theirs to re-tweet. Then you can create a wonderful circle of sharing, how good is that? Make that happen with a lot of people, and your blog posts will go really far and yes you will absolutely be driving traffic with Twitter.

Remember the more people who see your posts and who see your offers, the more money you’ll make. Be sure that you’re creating content that’s worth sharing and have fun , drive traffic with Twitter.


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Twitter: Why do People Include #tag In Their Tweet?
A great question from a member over on the WebMasterWorld forum…

Why # tag people include in tweet ? I never use twitter before just now i join twitter and found interesting # why? to make popularity or something else. help me out.


The # symbol, called a hashtag in Twitter, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages. A hashtag is a way to bring together Tweets on the same subject. It is simply a way for people to search for tweets that have a common topic.

1)    People use the hashtag symbol # before relevant keywords in their Tweet to categorize those Tweets to show more easily in Twitter Search.

2)    Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message shows you all other Tweets in that specific category.

3)    Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet.

4)    They can be conversational or commentary. I personally love to use them for an event. Last year I won a small award for being one of the top 10 Tweeters at the InfusionCon 2011. It was all done using a hastag.

If you want your target market to be able to easily find you, be sure to use hashtags for your keywords in your Tweets! 🙂


Categories : Twitter
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